| Regional Governor of the North Aegean, Prof. Kostas Moutzouris | Archbishop of Thyateira and Great Britain Nikitas |

| H.E. the Ambassador of Greece in the United Kingdom Ioannis Tsaoussis | H.E. the Cyprus High Commissioner Kyriakos Kouros |

| Adriani Maneta | Michalis Moschos |

| Victoria Hislop | Lakis Lazopoulos |

| Eva Nathena, Agapi Politis and Gogo Avgerinopoulou | Eva Nathena and Kyriaki Mitsou |

| Maria M. Hadjipateras with Chrysanthi P. Lemos | Lord Byron the 13th, Dimitra Moutzouri, George Philip Nicholas Windsor, Earl of St Andrews and Kostas Moutzouris |

| ERT’s Vasiliki Zervou with Victoria Hislop and George Th. Lemos | Alex Xenakis |

| One of the tables where one can see all the delicacies from the North Aegean Islands! | Eleni Skarvelis, Anastassis J. Fafalios and his wife Eugenia, H.E. Ambassador Ioannis Tsaousis, Chantal and Efthimios El. Mitropoulos |

VIDEO ANTENNA Για την εκδήλωση του Βορείου Αιγαίου στο Λονδίνο
VIDEO ΕΚΔΗΛΩΣΗΣ | Το Βόρειο Αιγαίο “συστήθηκε” με επιτυχία στο Λονδίνο σε μια πρωτοφανή εκδήλωση